June 14, 2024
Davinci Resolve Tutorial
It happens in several cases, and if you are an experienced editor you must've definitely experienced it, when you find a Perfect Song or Music for your video, but it just doesn't end where you want it to...
Now some editors simply add a Cut, and Fade the Music Out. But this doesn't sound great in most of the scenarios.
So one of the best solutions is to End the Music with a Reverb.
Step 1 : Find a beat drop around the part where you want to end the video, and go a few frames back from the beat drop.
Step 2 : Then select the Razor Tool and cut it at the beginning of the beat drop.
Step 3 : Copy the Portion you have cut by pressing Alt and Dragging the Clip Below (Copy Layer : Alt + Drag)
Step 4 : Right-click on the Layer and Select Compound Clip.
Step 5 : Again Right Click on the Compound Clip this time, and Select Open in Timeline
Step 6 : Then again Copy the layer below, extend it a bit, and mute that layer.
To Understand why this process is important, please watch this part of my YouTube Video.
Step 7 : Go to Effects Panel, Audio FX, Reverb, and add that Effect to the Compound Clip
Step 8 : Then Apply the following changes :
And that's how you do it!
Now your audio will have a Reverb Effect!
Thank you so much for reading this blog! I hope it was useful.
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